What is True Beauty?
Our culture says that true beauty is looking like a supermodel, but God's Word says something quite different:
Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades. The woman to be admired and praised is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God. ~ Proverbs 31:30 MSG
As women, we cannot let the mirror or what people think about us define who we truly are. We are precious in the eyes of Our Maker. I want to live everyday of my life aware of this beautiful truth.
There is a very interesting story in the Bible about a prophet named Samuel, a king named Saul, and a shepherd boy named David. Samuel was about to anoint the new king of Israel because Saul, the king in that moment, had disobeyed God. Samuel's perspective of a king was the opposite from God's. Samuel thought the new ruler of Israel had to be like Saul was, tall and handsome. So the prophet goes to David's house, and the first person he sees is Eliab, David's brother. Eliab was part of Saul's army, and we know what that means: the guy had muscles!. But I just LOVE what God said to the prophet Samuel:
For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. ~ 1 Samuel 16:7 NKJV
And we all know how the story ends: David was the guy God chose to be the new king... Yep, the shepherd boy, not Mr. Muscle. How AWESOME is our God!
Thank you for reading this post and please watch this video about true beauty; you'll love it! ;)
Credits: Photo 1 "true beauty in all of us" by this-is-the-life2905 (www.deviantart.com). Video "What is True Beauty?" by lilcammo93 (www.YouTube.com).
* I was inspired to write this post after reading "Define Yourself", an inspirational entry about worth written by Wendy Blight. Read it for yourself at www.proverbs31.org/she-seeks/define-yourself-2-2012-10/