"...his love endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34 NIV
I could start this post by saying "I know You love me, but" or better yet "I knew You loved me, but" ... Don't you hate that "but" sometimes? ... But that "but" made me realized that my perception of God's Love was not enough. I thought I understood His love completely, but, not really. It took a video to really show me what God's Love is all about. Super simple but super real at the same time. Now that I've seen this vid like a hundred of times, I want you to see it and let the message of it fill your heart with the True and Everlasting Love from God. Enjoy! ;)
I love Fireflight! They're real people! I went to one of their concerts in Frenchtown, New Jersey and WOW! You can feel God's love in all of their songs. Their lyrics are just beautiful and they portrayed the cry of many sons and daughters of God. This band is really cool, they are one of my favorites, so check them out if you haven't! Bye guys and remember, TRUST GOD, HE LOVES YOU! :D

August 18, 2010 at 5:37 PM
Hey Mel!
So blessed by your comment over on She Seeks!!!! Thank you. LOVE your blog header-so artsy and cool. Going to google FireFlight as I've never heard of them.
December 2, 2010 at 6:20 AM
Thanks for the sweet comment. :) I LOOOOVE the pictures YOU use!!! They're so whimsical! :D I think I was already following you :/ But if I wasn't I'm headed to right now!!!
Bleah Briann